Thursday, October 1, 2015

Overcoming The Mind

In Dagorhir, we face a lot of different enemies. But, there exists no greater enemy than ourselves and our minds. Our minds produce fear in the form of thoughts, which then become obstacles to reaching our goals and attaining what we want. This article will provide some tips to overcome your mind and achieve the success you are striving for.

Eastern philosophy teaches that fear does not actually exist, but rather, it's a byproduct of our mind and being unsure of the unknown and the future. When something is unknown to us, "fear" is produced because we do not understand it; it's new to us and we then begin to judge whatever it is, but in actuality, this makes things worse. To overcome the "fear" we must seek to understand that which is foreign to us. That which is "unknown" becomes the "known", therefore the "fear" dissipates. We must challenge our thoughts and fears in order to change and overcome them.

In the book "The Armored Rose" by Tobi Beck(aka Duchess Elina of the SCA), she discusses what's called the "Lizard Brain". Men and women both have it, but for the purposes of the book, the female "Lizard Brain" is discussed in terms of different hurdles women fighters face. Our society has taught many generations of women, starting at a young age, that women do not fight, only men do(though there are numerous accounts of famed female warriors). Many women hesitate to take the field because of such a notion, their mind producing excuses that there are other more important things to be done at the time. By challenging this notion and taking the field and training, they come to see that they CAN do it and there's no reason that they shouldn't, nor should they be considered inferior to the male fighters. Another hurdle female fighters face is HITTING an opponent. Have you ever seen a female fighter, especially newer ones, apologize after striking an opponent? This is because girls are taught from a young age that hitting of any kind is unacceptable(and in most cases, it is). When training with female fighters, politely point out this situation, ask what they have to apologize for, but do this no more than twice, and continue with the training. Converse to this hurdle is the one of BEING HIT. Again, girls are taught that hitting comes as a way of punishment or discipline because they did something wrong(whereas boys play fight as a way of bonding and making friends). So, in the beginning, when a female fighter is struck by a trainer/fellow fighter, the "Lizard Brain" causes her to think that she has done something wrong, and one of two reactions occurs: Tears or uncontrollable giggling. This may throw the trainer/opponent off guard, but understand that she is fighting a battle with her "Lizard Brain" to counteract the thoughts that women can't and don't fight, and the tears/giggling are the byproduct of frustration at her internal battle and her desire to want to learn and fight. Laugh with her and reassure her, then resume with the training.

The point is, challenge your way of thinking, otherwise you will be a slave to your own mind.

Do What You Think You Can't

I'll use my self as an example here: From the first day I started Dagorhir(spring/summer 2010), up until about 6 months ago, I always believed that I could never be a Red fighter because of my small size and the large size of the Red weapons I was seeing. I was under the impression that ALL Red weapons were that size, and never knew of such a thing as a "min" Red. I thought I didn't have the power or strength to wield a Red weapon, so I stayed away from them. Then, 2 years ago, as part of my squireship, I built my first min Red. I only fought with it a couple of times, then got away from it again. Then, about 6 months to a year ago, I picked it up again and started training and fighting Red seriously, and I came to find out it wasn't at all like I thought, and I actually enjoyed it. And this summer, I made a 5-6 foot Red and started fighting with that, and it became solidified that I COULD do it all along. I just had to try.

The moral of the story is, if you think you CAN'T do something, do it anyway. And more often than not, you'll come to realize that your mind was your only hurdle, and not your size, skill, ability, or experience level. Your mind has plenty of ways to trick you, just don't fall for the tricks. Challenge your thinking, ask yourself what you really have to be afraid of, and ask yourself the question "What's the worst that could happen if I....?"

Don't Listen To What Others Are Telling You

You will come across people in life that will be rooting for, and actually trying to cause, your downfall. They'll tell you things like "you can't do that", "you don't have what it takes", "you're not good enough", or "you don't deserve that". DON'T listen to them. They do this because it's a reflection of them and their feelings of insecurity. They're negative thinkers and want others to wollow in their negativity so they won't be lonely. They don't think they have what it takes to achieve what they want, so they don't want others to succeed either. They also fear what could happen if you DO achieve what it is you are striving for. DON'T join them in their misery. Keep your eyes on the prize and never give up.

People will also tell you "Do it this way. Everybody else is". There's one BIG problem with that: YOU aren't everybody else. Fight how you want to fight. If it's comfortable for you and it works and isn't putting your or others' safety at risk, do it. Everybody is unique and different. Nobody else is fighting in your body and you aren't fighting in theirs. What works for you may not work for someone else and vice versa, and that's fine. Unless what you're doing is hurting you or other people, nobody has any right to tell you to do it differently just because THEY don't do it that way. You can't do things the way they can and vice versa because we're all different and have our own nuances and quirks that make us who we are. Eastern philosophy teaches that everything we need to succeed is already inside us and that we don't need to seek external resources to achieve what we strive for. Look inside yourself and you'll find this to be true. This goes back to the "fear of what we don't understand". Just because they don't understand how you do something doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.

Conformity is the result of fear. Don't be afraid to be different.

Positive Affirmations

What we think, we attract. If we're constantly in a negative state of mind, negativity is what we will attract. If we think things like "I can't do it", "I'm not good enough", "He/She is better than me" etc., then your mind will begin to believe it and you won't achieve your goals and you'll end up miserable. Again I ask you to ponder the question "What's the worst that could happen if I...?" Then change your thinking from "I can't do it" to "I can do it!", from "I'm not good enough" to "I am good enough!" and you'll be surprised at how much things begin to work in your favor. You can do anything you put your mind to. I suggest that you study the Laws of Attraction for a better understanding. Your mind will always try and stop you, but don't hit the brakes. Like runners in the Olympics, jump over those hurdles and continue on your way. Or if you can't jump, go around. Just don't let them stand in your way.

In closing, F.E.A.R is a four letter word and can stand for one of two things:




Which one will you live by?


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